
Obvious Scams Using Youtube Advertising To Target Victims

I came across a Youtube sponsored video last week, that was pretty much a scam to steal ETH from whoever tries it. It pretends to allow you to create a sniper bot that buys coins early on then sell them back for a profit.

The scam is that they make you use fake tools to pretty much steal your ETH, the entire scam relies either on making you use a fake remix site or even a fake metamask. This allows them to deploy a different contract than what they give you, and thus allow them to steal the ETH when you send it to that contract.

Remember, when it’s too good to be true, means it’s possibly a scam.

Today the same sponsored video pops up again, this time on another channel, and the scammer switched the ethereum remix like last time, but for a different url.

It makes us wonder, how does Youtube allow such ads ? Is their Ads monitoring so bad, or are they employing under qualified personnel ?

Last week the scam video contained this description:
The remix url should be , instead they swapped it for a fake eteherum .co domain , to allow them to deploy the contract they want, and not the one you think you are deploying.

video urls:

Details of the scam video:

How to create Smart Contracts using ChatGPT | Detailed Guide

Hey there! 👋 I’m Todd, in this video you will learn how to make your life easier with ChatGPT:

► 1. Download MetaMask Extension:

► 2. Access Remix: <<<< FAKE

Note: The bot is only compatible with this version of Remix, so only use this link. scam

► 3. Click on the ‘Contracts’ folder and then create a New File. Rename it as you like, e.g., ‘bot.sol’. Make sure it ends with .sol for the Ethereum language.

► 4. Paste this code into Remix:

Note: If the text of the code is not colored, simply refresh the browser and then paste the code again.

► 5. Go to the Solidity compiler tab in Remix and compile the bot.

► 6. Go to the ‘Deploy & run transactions’ tab, select ‘Injected Provider’ as the environment and then ‘Deploy’. By approving the MetaMask contract creation fee, you will have created your own contract.

Note: Make sure the name of your bot is selected in the Contract section above the Deploy button. In this case, mine would be ‘UniswapSlippageBot – bot.sol’.

► 7. Check your Contract Address on Etherscan:

Note: Make sure you are the creator of the contract, meaning it is your personal contract.

► 8. Fund your bot to be able to frontrun transactions.

Note: Make sure your deposit is more than 0.5 ETH (to prevent negating slippage) to your exact contract/bot address.

► 9. After your transaction is confirmed, click the ‘Start’ button to run the bot. To stop the bot and withdraw funds – click the ‘Withdraw’ button


🔎 How can I restore the old contract again?

Instead of using the ‘Deploy’ button to create a new contract in the ‘Deploy & run transactions’ section, you can access your existing contract by entering its address in the ‘At Address’ field and clicking the ‘At Address’ button.

Note: Access can only be restored using the same MetaMask account that was originally used to create the contract.


🔧 For further assistance, feel free to PM me on Telegram: @webtodev

Today’s video
they switched for another remix : fake Remix: https://remix.

Everytime a fake remix link is blocked, they go back and change all the remix links on previous videos as you can see below:

What do you think?

Written by 365Crypto

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